Are you an Early bird or a Night owl?

Nuyun Pabasara
1 min readJun 3, 2022

People process two forms of memorization throughout the day:
semantic and declarative. So, Rather than talking about disadvantages let’s look at the benefits of each.

Declarative memory tasks, such as remembering, names, dates, and statistics, are most easily accomplished in the morning.
when you are an early bird your brain is refreshed from a good sleep and it can absorb more information rather than a night owl. Further,
Natural light is good for your eyes and keeps you alert with comfortable and it won’t disturb your sleep schedule as well.

Semantic memory tasks, such as integrating fresh stuff into the context of what we’re studying, are easier to complete at Night. Being a night owl helps to clearer mind for creative thinking and you can study more peacefully. Further, good sleep after studying can consolidate information and improve the recall of your memory.

As an undergraduate, I prefer both these techniques and mostly I would like to be an early bird rather than a night owl. so what is your preference? so feel free to comment below. Thank you.



Nuyun Pabasara

Studying as an undergraduate at Sri Lanka Technological Campus. BSC. Hons in Software engineering. I’m a delightful person who loves programming.